Medical-i,Inc. is a comprehensive medical solution provider aiming at creating sustainable future medical care.
“Implementing electronic medical record costs too much”, “Doctors cannot concentrate on clinical practice due to too many administrative tasks” “People quit soon, and interviews take time”. There are various challenges to realize a better medical environment in the medical field. Medical-i will deliver diverse solutions that can clear these challenges for medical professionals and stakeholders.
With advanced IT as the key, we connect various people and organizations, services, information and products related to health care to provide safe and high-quality medical services.
It is no longer necessary to introduce a cumbersome IT system that is expensive and maintenance-intensive. We will offer you a system that has sufficient function even at low cost, and also offer you fine-tuned services that allow professionals to concentrate on the original healthcare activities to sustain high quality medical care.
“Connect clinic and diverse medical services or information providers” “Connect clinics with each other” “Connect clinics and visiting nursing stations, care facilities and pharmacies” “Connect clinics and general hospitals” We will contribute to the integration of various people and organizations involved in medical treatment, improvement of management efficiency of clinic, improvement of medical quality and realization of regional medical cooperation.