“What is Ippo Social Net” is an effective tool for multi-occupation members involved in medical care and nursing care to share and communicate information in real time.
It is useful for collaboration of home medical care and nursing care in the area.
From any PC or mobile terminal, you can access from anywhere · anytime.
Medical information can also be shared safely. Because it utilizes the electronic medical record platform, you can use it with confidence.
Information sharing utilizing photos, movies, etc. is possible. It is useful for sharing accurate and prompt situation.
Input templates for visit records and various settings can be flexibly operated according to regional operation rules.
We can cooperate with applications of other companies, including our application, users can retrieve information without double entry.
Comments on the visit record and opinion of each topic can be closely exchanged, so you can strengthen cooperation as a multi-occupation team. In addition, we can also create community for study group, research group etc, and it is possible to cooperate diversely.
Information can be browsed / registered even before and during visit, and efficiency of business can be improved.
All of the visit record, consultation written on the bulletin board, results of the discussion etc are all saved in the database. In the future, it can be used as a material for better medical / nursing-care cooperation model and learning for each occupation.
In addition to "医歩ippo Social Net", Medical-i offers the following cloud services. By collaborating with "医歩ippo Social Net " *1, more effective and efficient medical information linkage will be realized.
We securely keep all medical record information in medical cloud environment (data center)*2. By accessing via the Internet, it will be possible to use from outside the clinic, so it will show its power in home care.
By depositing dispensing information from a dispensing pharmacy in the region to a medical cloud environment (data center)*2 *3 and accessing via the Internet, prescription information can be easily utilized by emergency medical institutions, administrative etc.
We will accumulate all health examinations / medical examination results in the medical cloud environment (data center)*2, guidance contents and consultation records by regional nurses with the residents ID as the key. By accessing via the Internet, it is possible to easily share information within a multipurpose team.*4
Information on any of our medical records can be disclosed to individuals.
*1 “医歩ippo Social Net” can cooperate with applications of other companies.
*2 Our data center is operated according to various guidelines of medical information.
*3 If there is agreement of the patient himself, the information registered in dispensing receipt is automatically transmitted to the data center, so it does not take much labor, such as double entry.
*4 Information that can be accessed is controllable by job type.